πŸ₯‡The Block TOOLS Token

Understanding the TOOLS token

IMP: This token will serve as the tollgate for various free and or educational content driven services offered by BlockTools in addition to being the preferred medium of transaction on the Blocktools Web3 Shopping Mall and as such is not intended as a tool for speculation. Anyone trading is considered to be doing so under their own responsible assumptions.


  • Deployer Address: 0xaE832734699f01752ae22E61132bAC3b23FfF876

This is the TOOLS Deployer Address.

Please follow this address for Deployer activities performed on the TOOLS token.

  • Liquify Protocol Contract Address: 0xEAa163748f1C13671b045050794d5a85052D7794

This is the tax receiver contract that is used to liquify the protocol.

  • Rescue Address: Blocktoolbox.eth (0x96D683A35e7af3faeb18AA73C077DBB77096332E)

As the TOOLS Contract will be renounced at launch, there is a necessity to add a Rescue address to withdraw any tokens sent accidentally or by design to the contract. Therefore this address (Blocktoolbox.eth) will have permission to rescue tokens that are in the contract.


TOOLS CA: 0xc14B4d4CA66f40F352d7a50fd230EF8b2Fb3b8d4

i. Total Supply: 100,000 TOOLS

No more $TOOLS can be minted, this is the fixed and final supply of the $TOOLS token

ii. Tax Split:

50% to the Liquifier Contract

50% to the Uniswap V2 LP

All tax redirects are automatic and do not require manual intervention.

iii. AMM Pair is set to Uni V2: however Devs wanting to fork this contract can feel free to modify the router and relevant AMM information to the DEX of their choice on other EVMs or Mainnet

iv. Initial Trading Lock

TOOLS trading will be locked requiring activation of the "startTrading" function in order to commence DEX Transfers.

v. Limits Enabled:

2% "maxTrade" and "maxHolding" amounts have been initiated to prevent system gaming.

Limits to be removed via "removeLimits" after the first few blocks of "startTrading" call.


Understanding the TOOLS Taxation:


    uint256 private buyFeeTotal;
    Writeable via function updateQuickBuyFees
    Designed to deter system gaming by unfair acquisition of large supply
    To be removed after first few blocks of Trading. 
    This is the total Buy fee applicable on Token purchase
    Calculated as buyProtocolFee + buyLiquidityFee  
    uint256 private buyProtocolFee;
    This fee is transferred to the Liquify Protocol CA
    uint256 private buyLiquidityFee;
    This fee is auto-managed into the Uniswap V2 LP

    uint256 private sellFeeTotal;
    Writeable via function "updateExitFee"
    Designed to deter system gaming via large volume token Sells
    To be partially removed after first blocks of Trading ("quickSell" will remain)
    This is the total Sell fee applicable on Token Sales
    Calculated as: 
    sellProtocolFee + sellLiquidityFee + quickSellLiquidityFee + quickSellProtocolFee
    uint256 private sellProtocolFee;
    This fee is transferred to the Liquify Protocol CA
    uint256 private sellLiquidityFee;
    This fee is auto-managed into the Uniswap V2 LP
    uint256 private quickSellLiquidityFee; //3% 
    This fee is auto-managed into the Uniswap V2 LP
    uint256 private quickSellProtocolFee; //3% 
    This fee is transferred to the Liquify Protocol CA

Utilizing a multi-fold approach to Token Taxation helps to ensure a stable launch.

  • The primary (and only) reason to incorporate a "quickBuyFee" is to prevent automated trading tool enthusiasts from gaining an unfair advantage. This will be quickly reset to 0% prior CA renounce.

  • The same reason applies for the "updateExitFee". To expand further, a "quickSellFee" has been applied to disincentivize automated trading tool enthusiasts from creating panic.

BUY / SELL Tax after the first 5-10 minutes will be 0%

However, the quickSellFee (3% auto liquidity, and 3% to the liquifier CA) will continue to apply for 730 hours (1 month)

  • In simple terms, in order to avail of a two way 0 tax experience a trader will require to purchase TOOLS after the BUY Tax is set to 0, and Liquidate after 730 hours of first purchase (calculated via block.timestamp) to avoid the quickSellFee as well.

  • To summarize TOOLS is a 0 tax token except for the first 5-10 minutes and provided the holdings are not sold under 1 month.

  • In simple terms collected Tax goes to two places (Track progress on the Monthly reports published on our Mediums).

    1. Auto Liquidity

    2. Liquifier contract (this is where we have bought BTC, Paid for CEXs, marketing and other OpEx) - The ENS has withdraw rights

Live Liquidity Locks for the TOOLS token (initial LP tokens + Rescued Tokens from the CA, both locked using the Blocktools ETH Vault


  • We are firmly on 3 chains as on date, with an eye on another 5

  • The use cases write themselves but we envision many exciting days ahead!

  • We remain optimistic to see what the future holds for us, the community and the industry at large!

  • TOOLS holders get exclusive access to the Workshop. Welcome Aboard!

Last updated