Start your Web3 journey today!
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Start your Web3 journey today!
Last updated
The Blocktools Launchpad is now live!
Recommended reading for a quick primer:
We will try our best to curate the most exciting projects for you!
If you are a Project Team looking to kick start your dream, go ahead and fill out the form on the launchpad and let's make it happen!
Go from "Idea" to fully functional high speed no latency dapp to smooth token launch with unique contracts with unique tokenomics in 24-72 hours, maybe lesser if you leverage our extensive product line from the Blocktools Shop!
Any Blocktools product utilized for your launch will be accompanied by a complimentary audit.
KYC is free at Blocktools regardless of whether you utilize our launchpad or not!
What's more? You get a cool 3D NFT to boot!
We are live across multiple chains, so go ahead and think out of the box and let us know what we can do to make it happen!
All launchpad services are free, Blocktools will only charge for Products bought and utilized from our Shop
Let's get you started!
Tip: Innovation is tougher, but more satisfying, and rewarding in the long run. Don't be afraid to think out of the box!